Tag Archives: Advent

Posada 2014 at Refugium

Posada is a Latin American Advent custom, a re-enactment of the New Testament story of Holy Family’s search for lodging (Sp. Las Posadas = “lodgings”). In SL, it’s been done in a somewhat modified version, spanning the entire Advent season, with the figures of Mary and Joseph (oh, and the donkey) travelling from host to host until Christmas Day, with each host providing a home for them for the period of 24 hours. On Christmas Day they are finally settled on the grounds of Anglican Cathedral in SL, the organizer of the event.

Last year was the first time I took part in it and I’m very glad to be able to do it again. This time I decided to put the Posada display at Refugium, the meditation space I run, rather than my home. I thought it would be a good way to get more people involved, but also, it’s nicer there! Since the figures are now in the middle of our meditation room, it will feel special to have them there for our next meditation session.

The figures arrived at Refugium last night and are staying there for the next 24 hours. I’ll be handing them over to the next host at 12:45pm SLT today (Sunday, December 7). Do attend if you possibly can, or visit at any time: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/5/125/32

December 2014 Newsletter


Another month has passed, bringing us to the lovely Advent season. I’m happy to report that over the past several weeks we’ve had some new faces at Refugium, with word of our meditation sessions slowly spreading around. Our 30-minute weekday sessions continue at 11pm SLT, with the weekend ones in…

December 2014 Newsletter

December 2014 Newsletter

Another month has passed, bringing us to the lovely Advent season. I’m happy to report that over the past several weeks we’ve had some new faces at Refugium, with word of our meditation sessions slowly spreading around. Our 30-minute weekday sessions continue at 11pm SLT, with the weekend ones in the new time slot, starting at 9am SLT.

The latest change has been the move from the floating islands up in the sky, back to the ground. It has saved some prims and gave us more space for the park area and the café. I want the place to be as warm and welcoming as possible, and over the coming weeks there will be more Christmas decorations and treats for the visitors.

Speaking of Advent and Christmas, I want to mention that this year Refugium will take part in the annual Posada event. Organized by the Anglican Cathedral in SL, Posada is a reenactment of the Holy Family’s journey, starting on the First Sunday of Advent. The figures of the Family travel from host to host until Christmas Eve. Each handover is followed by a simple and short service and a time for fellowship.

Posada will arrive at Refugium on December 6 at 12:45pm SLT, with the handover same time the following day. The handover is followed by a very brief service and a time for fellowship. Everyone is most welcome to attend or to visit the display during the 24 hours it will stay at Refugium, before it moves on to another host.

Many thanks to everyone who’s been attending the sessions. Your presence was felt and appreciated. Special thanks go to: Duncan Armundsen for the drunk Santa rezzed at the entrance to the Meetinghouse; Gustav von Rosenheim for the lovely Advent wreath he made and provided; Zoe Foodiboo for putting up with our shenanigans and being a great pal.

To visit, please follow this SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/5/125/32