Tag Archives: Odie Cinema

Silent movie nights in October 2018

For the third year in a row at the Odie Cinema, the month of October is dedicated to silent horror movies. As we approach Halloween, join us for some delightfully spooky time!

As always, silent movie nights take place Fridays from 1 pm SLT, at this location.

5 October 2018
Genuine: A Tale of a Vampire (orig. Genuine, die Tragödie eines seltsamen Hauses, Germany)

Directed by Robert Wiene, released in 1920. Starring Fern Andra and Hans Heindrich von Twardowski. The set was designed by expressionist artist Cesar Klein. We’ll be watching a version with a particularly eerie score by P. Emerson Williams.

12 October 2018
Waxworks (orig. Das Wachsfigurenkabinett, Germany)

Directed by Paul Leni, released in 1924. Starring Emil Jannings and Conrad Weidt. The movie is a mix of different genres, and some classify it as historical, with only some episodes belonging to the horror genre.

19 October 2018
Wolf Blood: A Tale of the Forest, USA

Directed by George Chesebro, released in 1925. Starring George Chesebro and Roy Watson. A werewolf story.

26 October 2018
The Bat, USA

Directed by Roland West, released in 1926. Starring Jack Pickford (Mary’s younger brother) and Louise Fazenda. Based on the 1920 Broadway hit by the same title, it was an influence on the subsequent creation of Batman.

Norgaard Place: What’s in the box?

As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post (“Leaving Second Norway”), last month I moved into a new home – back to mainland! And for the first time since I’ve joined Second Life, it happens to be a skybox.

Normally I’m not a huge fan of skyboxes, preferring to play with terraforming and landscaping down on the ground. However, this one seemed to fit all my needs in terms of space, design, prim count etc. And it spares me the sight of the typical mainland horrors – although, in all honesty, the area around Odie, Nautilus, where my parcel is located, is not all that bad (at least for the time being).

Anyway, let me unpack this box and take you on a short tour.

Upon landing, the ground floor houses the Odie Cinema, where we now have our regular Friday silent movie nights…

… the meditation area…

… and a small gym.

There’s also an outdoor area. Originally, it was a pool with some water features, but with Duncan’s help, I transformed it into a small park.

Up on the first floor you will find a library…

…. and a cafe with a nice view of pretty much the entire skybox.

The second floor is the only area that is more private in nature. Just a simple bedroom, with some of my toys on display. 😈

So, there it is. You’re welcome to visit whenever, especially at times when there are some activities going on there. As a reminder – unless we’re on a break, or there is some RL emergency – silent movie nights take place Fridays from 1 pm SLT, and daily 30-minute meditation sessions start at 11:30 pm SLT. To visit, follow this SLurl.

Silent movie nights in September 2018

After the summer break, this month Odie Cinema resumes its work! There is no special theme this time, but I’ve prepared an international selection of silents we haven’t watched before, including some all-time classics.

Before the full schedule, a reminder that we’re now at a new location – still in Odie, on the Second Life continent of Nautilus, but from now on up in a skybox. You’ll find the updated SLurl by clicking on this link.

7 September 2018
Battleship Potemkin, 1925 (Russia), a classic silent directed by Sergey Eisenstein.

14 September 2018
Easy Virtue, a 1928 (Britain). A romance / drama directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starring Isabel Jeans, Franklin Dyall and Ian Hunter.

21 September 2018
Get Your Man, 1927 (USA). Romantic comedy directed by Dorothy Arzner, starring Clara Bow.

28 September 2018
The Doll (orig. Die Puppe), 1919 (Germany). A comedy directed by Ernst Lubitsch. Starring Ossi Oswalda, Hermann Thimig, Victor Janson. Based on a novel by E. T. A. Hoffmann.

Silent movie nights recap: June – August 2018

Once again I’ve neglected blogging about our silent movie nights… Noticing that I’ve left no record of them since May (apart from the regular posts in our Facebook group and elsewhere), here’s a list of films we saw in June and July of 2018.


1 June 2018
The Ghost Train (El tren fantasma, 1927). Directed by Gabriel Garcia Moreno.

Given the Mexican theme, the cinema to decorated with Mexican flags, there were tacos and tequila, and after the movie we went for a car trip!

8 June 2018
The Iron Fist, 1927. Directed by Gabriel Garcia Moreno, starring Lupe Bonilla and Manuel Carillo.

After the movie, food and drinks, we did some dancing…

15 June 2018
Home movies from the 1930s Mexico, made by Stefan Hirsch and Elsa Rogo.

22 June 2018
Tepeyac (1917), directed by Jose Manuel Ramos and others. Roberto Arroyo Carillo and Pilar Cota.

29 June 2018
A German Hacienda in Mexico (1930s), a German educational documentary.

…again followed by a party, which we took out to the street.


5 July, 2018
Sherlock, Jr. (1920), starring Buster Keaton and Catherine McGuire.

20 July, 2018
The Pawnshop (1916), starring Charlie Chaplin.

Throughout August we were on the summer break.

Thanks to all who joined us for our regular Friday movie nights in the season 2017/2018!

Silent movie night: “The Ghost Train” (1927)

This June we’re going to get to know a bit about the silent cinema of Mexico!

The first film we’ll watch is “El tren fantasma” (The Ghost Train), released in 1927. It is considered to be one of the best early Mexican movies, directed by Gabriel García Moreno – the leading Mexican filmmaker of the silent era.

The film is a thriller about a gang of bandits sabotaging a railway line, with a lot of stunts and action! 🙂 Intertitles are in both Spanish and English.

As always, we’ll meet at 1 pm SLT, and the movie lasts about 70 minutes. SLurl: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Odie/73/234/53

Hope you can join us!

Silent movie night: “The Childhood of Krishna”

Please join us at
the Odie Cinema on Friday, 4 May, at 1 pm SLT for this week’s silent movie night.
We’ll be watching  “Kaliya Mardan” (The Childhood of Krishna),
a 1919 film directed by Dadasaheb Phalke – the father of Indian

The film lasts
approximately 50 minutes.

Hope you can be with
us! SLurl: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Odie/73/234/53

Movie night: Early Mickey Mouse animated movies

Join us at 1 pm SLT on Friday, 27 April, at the Odie Cinema in Second Life for  three Mickey Mouse cartoons made in 1929:

* When the Cat’s Away
* The Barnyard Battle
* The Karnival Kid

With these we end our April selection on the theme of early animated movies.

Hope to have you with us!

SLurl: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Odie/73/234/53


Silent cinema moves back to Odie

On Friday, 20 April, regular weekly movie nights moved back to Odie on the mainland continent of Nautilus. With the nice, warm weather outside, I thought it would be a good change, after months of weekly gatherings in the basement of my castle in Second Norway.

The new build has a nice, outdoorsy feel to it. Its size is just about right for our small group or regulars, and there’s room for drinks and snacks.

On our first movie night since the move, we were watching three silent Mickey Mouse cartoons, and had a few drinks afterwards.

If you happen to drive along Route 12, do stop by and have a look. You can also join us on Fridays from 1 pm SLT for a silent movie screening!

To reach Odie Cinema, please follow this SLurl.