Tag Archives: spirituality

Refugium Newsletter – October 2015

It’s been a while since I posted an update on the goings-on at Refugium. Recently we marked a full year since the place opened, and with some recent changes there, I thought it was time for another Newsletter.

Refugium has moved just a bit further north, to a parcel in Norgaard Village. It’s by the ocean now, opposite the chapel. To visit, follow this SLurl.

Earlier today, at midnight SLT, we had our first meditation session at the new location. Unlike the previous building that served as our meetinghouse, this one is more sturdy and not at all draughty. It’s a small place, with a very warm feel to it. I could easily live in it, especially during the cold winter months.

If you’re not familiar with Refugium, it’s a meditation group in Second Life. I started it with the intention of extending my meditation practice into SL and sharing that quiet time with others inworld. Meditating alone in RL has often been a challenge for me: either I wouldn’t do it at all for extended periods of time, or I would be too distracted to do it properly. Meeting regularly inworld with a group of friends has been very helpful to me in that respect.

The format is quite simple: we sit in silence for 30 minutes; towards the end there is a closing inspirational quote and the bell sounds the end of the session.

Initially, I envisioned it as a place for the practice of meditation in the Christian tradition, especially given that there already is a number of meditation groups and places inworld, which are more New Age-y or Buddhist. However, our sessions remain open to everyone; there is no particular religious or denominational teaching involved. Bible is a frequent source of the closing quotes I select, but so are the writings of poets and philosophers, ancient and modern.

All of this may sound serious, and in some sense it is, but we definitely love to have fun, and sessions are often followed by pranks, jokes, and funny gestures. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. Most often we spend some additional time after the sessions chatting casually, as we did earlier today. Topic of the day: eating pigs’ feet!

I have some plans for the new projects, such as organizing monthly lectures (I had to postpone those due to a busy RL schedule) or offering additional sessions, at least once a week, for people who can’t possibly join us for the regular ones because of time zone differences. A lot will depend on my RL obligations, so I’ll keep you posted on any new activities.

I’d like to thank again everyone who’s been part of the group. Your presence and support means a lot!

Christmas Eve in SL

There is something reassuring about the cyclical nature of the church calendar. I’m always a bit sad towards the end of the Advent season, but that comforting feeling came back to me as I was sitting in front of the Anglican Cathedral in SL this evening. Having arrived a bit early for the Christmas Eve service, I spent some quiet time there, just watching the snow fall and thinking about the people close to me. Holding them in the light, as Quakers would say.

The sim looked lovely under a thick blanket of snow on the ground, and with the starry sky above.

Eventually a small group of people gathered at 2pm SLT to mark the end of this year’s Posada event – the symbolical arrival of the Holy Family, after their long Advent journey. Mostly it’s the very same people who were there last year and the year before. Prayers are said, Scripture lessons are read. Everything is short and moves quickly, but so heavy with meaning. I feel I need an extra moment or two after each line, to savour the words. At the end, best wishes are exchanged and people move on.

How curious to have things like these happen in the virtual world. And how wonderful.

First United Church of Christ, SL


In September 2013, SL became richer for another vibrant Christian community. When you TP to the First UCC Island sim, one of the first things you notice are the church flags, among them also the rainbow flag. Both in RL and SL, United Church of Christ (UCC) is a voice for social justice and human rights, including its clear message of inclusion and affirmation of sexual minorities.

Originally conceived as an inworld experimental ministry, its members think of it as a real congregation, albeit in a virtual world. While its members may come from different backgrounds, there is a strong sense of mutual respect and open exchange of ideas.

Becca Kellstrom, one of the church board members, was kind to answer a couple of questions for this post.

Just like in RL, in SL there are also various active Christian communities. What would you single out as the unique contribution of the First UCC in SL?

Becca: Everyone is truly welcome. Visitors are usually delighted to learn we accept people across the whole spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation. This extends to people of various abilities, beliefs, and so on.

What are some of the regular activities organized by the 1st UCC?

Becca: Sunday worship with Pastor Jerome, Thursdays with Pastor Josh. A unique Bible study on Tuesdays led by staff members YoYo and Luci. Regular Psalters (Psalm mediation) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and whenever else Jer feels like it! Plus DJ’d dances and concerts whenever we’re able to schedule musicians. Dancing also happens spontaneously whenever a bunch of people happen to gather, using the music stream in our Comma Café!

SL is often stereotyped as a virtual world where so much is about physical appearance and unbridled sexuality. Clearly a lot more is going on there. What are your thoughts on virtual reality and spirituality? 

Becca: While people join SL for a variety of reasons, we still carry the essence of our real selves with us, including a longing for God and community. Many residents seek a well-rounded life, and are delighted to participate in this real, progressive body of Christ in the virtual world.

Has SL been a positive experience for your ministry?

We dealt with some challenges in our initial six months. What keeps us going are people who find us, are glad we’re here, and then join in with their time and gifts! Our goal this Fall is to have the Conference [in RL] remove our “experimental” tag and simply recognize us as another congregation.

To find out more about this progressive Christian community, visit their website at 

To visit inworld, click here.

To stay informed about the church activities, you can like the FB page  or follow the Twitter account.

Hildegard of Bingen slideshow


A new feature in the Refugium Meetinghouse is a short slideshow on the famous medieval mystic and prolific writer, Hildegard of Bingen. It includes several of the most well known illuminations illustrating the content of her visions, a map of her preaching tours in the Rhine valley, and more.

Hildegard of Bingen slideshow

Hildegard of Bingen slideshow

A new feature in the Refugium Meetinghouse is a short slideshow on the famous medieval mystic and prolific writer, Hildegard of Bingen. It includes several of the most well known illuminations illustrating the content of her visions, a map of her preaching tours in the Rhine valley, and more. You can find it in the hall; to change slides, just click on the projector.


If you’re not at all familiar with Hildegard, you can find out more about her here: http://www.hildegard-society.org/p/home.html or, if you speak German, here:  http://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienH/Hildegard_von_Bingen.html


Hildegard has left a trace in SL before, having been the inspiration for the now closed meditation sim Viriditas (literally meaning ‘greenness’ or ‘greening’), named after one of the key concepts of her spirituality. It was one of the first sims I visited in SL, and it was its closure that prompted me to found Refugium.

To visit, follow this SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/11/102/1200


It’s been a full month since regular daily meditation sessions began at Refugium. For me, it’s been a nice way to start the day and I’m grateful to everyone who’s been coming for their presence and the chats we’ve been having after the sessions.

Our meetings continue to be held at 11pm SLT, 7 days a week, with possible changes for the weekend sessions due to First Life obligations, also in the attempt to make the timing more convenient for people in different time zones.


It’s been a full month since regular daily meditation sessions began at Refugium. For me, it’s been a nice way to start the day and I’m grateful to everyone who’s been coming for their presence and the chats we’ve been having after the sessions.

Our meetings continue to be held at 11pm SLT, 7 days a week, with possible changes for the weekend sessions due to First Life obligations, also in the attempt to make the timing more convenient for people in different time zones.


Thick fog has enveloped Refugium this morning…

As Halloween approaches, a reminder that there’s a modest Halloween display inside the labyrinth house: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/5/125/32 Also a Ferris wheel which you are welcome to use (at your own risk!).

Daily 30-minute meditation sessions continue at the following location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/11/102/1200

November newsletter with the updated schedule will be posted shortly.

A small reminder that you can get all your updates on events at Refugium: Center for Contemplation, including daily quotes and occasional useful links to articles on meditation at the Refugium blog: http://refugium-inworld.tumblr.com

An inworld group will be set up soon, too. Notifications are currently posted only on Second Life Pilgrims group.


Inworld location of Refugium: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Melanthia/11/102/1200