Tag Archives: Anglican

Christmas Eve in SL

There is something reassuring about the cyclical nature of the church calendar. I’m always a bit sad towards the end of the Advent season, but that comforting feeling came back to me as I was sitting in front of the Anglican Cathedral in SL this evening. Having arrived a bit early for the Christmas Eve service, I spent some quiet time there, just watching the snow fall and thinking about the people close to me. Holding them in the light, as Quakers would say.

The sim looked lovely under a thick blanket of snow on the ground, and with the starry sky above.

Eventually a small group of people gathered at 2pm SLT to mark the end of this year’s Posada event – the symbolical arrival of the Holy Family, after their long Advent journey. Mostly it’s the very same people who were there last year and the year before. Prayers are said, Scripture lessons are read. Everything is short and moves quickly, but so heavy with meaning. I feel I need an extra moment or two after each line, to savour the words. At the end, best wishes are exchanged and people move on.

How curious to have things like these happen in the virtual world. And how wonderful.

Music events at Epiphany Island

Epiphany Island sim is the home to SL’s vibrant Anglican community. Apart from daily prayer services and weekly study sessions, there are now also music events, featuring different styles and aimed at a diverse audience of regulars, newcomers and people who simply enjoy live music events inworld.

Events start this Saturday, February 1, at 1pm SLT, featuring one of SL’s country music stars, Bill473 (incidentally, one of the live performers I used to host for in one of my earlier SL jobs). The next event is scheduled for  Sunday, February 2, also at 1pm SLT – DJ Jules who will take requests and entertain with her music mix.

You can reach Epiphany Island by following this SLurl:
